Professional Valorant player and content creator for Sentinels, Hunter "SicK" Mims, is in hot waters after dropping a racial slur, the n-word to be exact, in his recent tweets. Hunter has been at the center of much controversy in recent weeks after many in the community expressed concern following numerous erratic and bizarre tweets from his official Twitter account.
With close friends and former teammates hinting that he is not in a healthy state of mind, it is unclear whether he is getting proper help. Seeing as one of his most recent tweets contained a racial slur and an ableist slur combined, it seems highly unlikely. The post in question reads:
"NI**AS OR RE*ARDS OR WHAT IS IT?! Who really knows that’s the case or not!!!""You've lost the plot": Social media outrage as Sentinels Valorant player SicK drops n-word and other slurs in recent tweet
Hunter's alleged mental instability has been a concern for those close to him for quite some time. The first signs of his erratic behavior started months ago following a feud with Riot over not being allowed into the arena at the Sao Paulo Lock//In in February. This transpired due to him not producing his official badge despite being on the Sentinels roster. The high point of the scandal was probably when last month's news of his arrest in Texas was shared on social media.
Since then, his posts became more bizarre, with fellow streamers such as Kyedae and the Sentinels management opening up about his issues. More recently, former teammate ShahZam also made a tweet about SicK. He implored the public to disregard his recent antics. ShahZam promised that his fellow Valorant professional was not himself due to mental health issues, with many online calling it a manic episode.
That said, his tweet with the n-word has naturally garnered a lot of negative attention, accruing almost two million views within a couple of hours, with many deriding the esports player for using a racial slur. Here are some replies to the post, with many replying that he had lost it:
One Twitter user commented how the action is probably enough for Sentinels to terminate their contract with SicK.
Some even pointed out that he has been spamming slurs such as the r-word and the n-word in Twitch chat too.
SicK started his career by playing professional CS back in the day and was part of the VCT Master's winning team for Sentinels a couple of years ago. As of right now, he has not played in a professional game for over a year, having taken a break to focus on content creation. At the moment, he has over 500K followers on Twitch and has been streaming to an average of 10K viewers.
Readers should note that Sentinels still list him as part of their official Valorat roster as the substitute and while some speculate that he might be losing his position, no such notion has been communicated as of yet.
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