Park Ji-bin, a renowned South Korean actor, gained recognition for his MBC Drama Award-winning role in Yi San and SBS and KBS Drama Award-winning performances in Perfect Love and Golden Apple. 

In addition to his television accolades, he has left a mark in the film industry with notable appearances in movies like Almost Love and Children of Heaven.

Park Ji Bin Early Life

Full Real NamePark Ji Bin
ProfessionTV Actor
Date Of BirthMarch 14th, 1995
BirthdayMarch 14th
Year Of Birth1995
CountrySouth Korea

Born on March 14, 1995, in Seoul, South Korea, Park Ji Bin is now 28 years old.

Park Ji Bin Education

High SchoolDeoksan Middle School

Park Ji Bin completed his education at Deoksan Middle School and obtained a GED.

Park Ji Bin Zodiac Sign

Sun SignPisces

South Korean actor Park Ji Bin’s birth sign is Pisces, reflecting his astrological zodiac.

Park Ji Bin Career

Park Ji-bin is a renowned South Korean actor celebrated for his award-winning roles in dramas such as Yi San, Perfect Love, and Golden Apple. In addition to his work on television, he has made a mark in the film industry with appearances in Almost Love and Children of Heaven. 

A performer since the age of six, Park Ji-bin’s passion for acting has led him to share the screen with notable actors like Soo Ae in the film A Family. Despite his achievements, Park remains grounded and focused on his education, earning a GED after attending Deoksan Middle School.

Park Ji Bin’s Social Media Presence

Park Ji Bin has an active Instagram presence under the handle @impactorpjb, boasting 518K followers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Park Ji Bin, born on March 14, 1995, is currently 28 years old.

Park Ji-bin, known for his award-winning roles in Yi San, Perfect Love, and Golden Apple, also starred in Korean films Almost Love and Children of Heaven.

Park Ji Bin has received numerous accolades throughout his acting career, including Best Young Actor awards at the 2003 SBS Drama Awards, 2005 KBS Drama Awards, and 2007 MBC Drama Awards. In addition, he won the Best Actor award at the 1st New Montreal FilmFest in 2005. Park Ji Bin has also been nominated for various awards across prestigious Korean drama ceremonies.
